Are you willing to be uncomfortable
We all have big dreams inside ourselves, the question is, “Are you willing to be uncomfortable, and stretch your imagination into unknown territory to seek out these dreams?”
Think about those dreams you’ve had that caused you to stretch the way you think in order to take possession of your dream. Like when you dreamed of going on that first date, buying a new video game, your first car. Maybe, it was purchasing a home, or buying a motorcycle. I’m sure when you think back you can see those times you’ve taken the necessary steps in order for you to connect with your dream.
You’re looking at a writing from a woman with a dream that requires her to reeaaaallly stretch, and pull every resource from our Universe, so she can connect with the resources needed to help her dream come true. My dream is to be a loud voice of awareness to bring God back into our schools, work, homes, and into our country.
The time to bring our hearts, and minds back to a living God has come, it is now!
I hear this thought that continually pops up in my head as I listen to people talk about the bad in our world today, “WHERE IS GOD IN AMERICA?”
I don’t need to tell you all the uncharted territory we’re traveling in as we maneuver through our world as more of this craziness unfolds. Just when you think there’s nothing else that could hurt your ears more, and BAM there it is!
The truth is, these hardships were not the intention for any of us when we were created. We were created out of a great love to experience companionship with our Heavenly Father, and we were given free will to choose, or deny this relationship. We each hold a unique expression of this love that no one else can duplicate, It is of one; with one.
Everyday this voice inside of me grows louder, and I can’t release it. So, I decided to chase after this voice that prompts me day after day when I wake up until I go to bed, “Get ready for A Quest.” And, “Your leaving, pack.” So I start envisioning what it would feel like to go. Who will go with me? Who will be the camera man to do the filming?
My life experiences tell my subconscious mind, “Why should you get to travel to these beautiful places to find out where God is in America?” Then I start feeding more worthless thoughts into my head, I have no money, my Jeep has over 240,000.00 miles on it. Who will go with me? I’m just a nobody in a small town. People are going to think I’m crazy. HOW can I possibly do this? How do we bring God back?
You might say, “Well, you’ve already done this, Alisa.” And I would say, “This is true, but on a smaller, much safer, and reachable scale. Not where I was aware of how much I needed God to step in.
FEAR is always scary, but there is no room for FEAR when your heart is involved!
Finally, last week I spoke back to that voice in my head, and said, “Why me!’ and as clear as a bell; as if the owner of that voice were sitting right here next to me I heard, “Because you’re willing.” At that moment I said, “Okay, okay I’ll do it.
I made a DECISION in writing A Quest For Christ website, and began putting out these amateur videos on youtube my son and I have taken over the past 5 years. I focus my thoughts on the reality that it is time to forget that I feel insecure about myself, and take ownership of the real, “I AM” that exists somewhere deep inside of me.
I invite you to boldly speak out to that voice in your head, and say, “Stop right there, Yes I AM worth it!” I encourage you to find the, “I AM,” in you. Connect with your purpose in this life, and give birth to your dreams by making the decision to chase after them, and hold this thought with your will. Find within you the “Great I AM,” you were shaped, and molded to become.
If you don’t believe you have this greatness in you, I’d like you to open up a corner of your mind to the thought that; I believe you have greatness in you!
Allow this thought to help you make the decisions necessary for you to connect with your purpose, and hold these thoughts with your will as you take the action steps towards your dreams.
Make the DECISION today to say, “YES,” to your dream.